2004-05-31 � 1:56 p.m.

Yesterday was a looooooong day! After going to bed late at night, my friend Dee (who was visiting from WI) and I got up and went to breakfast with my parents. I ate way too much food. My parents really liked Dee... my mom mentioned how sweet she thinks she is :) After breakfast we had about an hour to hang out a little more before I had to be off to Ann Arbor for my final performance of Threepenny. So, Dee shopped our garage sale a little, and then we went inside and talked. When we left, Dee followed me to the correct freeway to lead her back home. I waved goodbye out my car window and she was off... *sniff*

So, the final performance of Threepenny went nicely. We had a very big crowd and they were very responsive. Some people were even turned away because the house was full. Ya know, I don't know why people are all dumb enough to wait until the last day of a 6 week run to try and come see a show. Common sense people! Sheesh! I will admit that I won't miss my costume or styling my hair, because that was a pain! I'll miss the people. At intermission we all went out and took a large cast photo! I'll post it as soon as I download it onto my computer. I have a lot of pictures I need to download, and my new cable modem is slower than my old one, so it takes a little longer. Grrrr... After the show we all went out to eat at a local restaurant. Everyone was there, including the director, and we had a really long table. I took more pictures and we had a good time. I had to leave before everyone else in order to get to my sis's concert in time (which was more than an hour's drive away).
So, I had to drive in the rain to get there, which I hate doing. I picked up my friend, Morgan, and we were off to Pontiac. When we got there my mom called us and told us to go directly to the tour bus. It was weird, we just walked right up and I'm really surprised that none of "the force" tried to stop us. So, we got a tour of the bus... which is pretty sweet... and met their tour manager. After that we had to go around front to get our VIP passes. After getting in I went to the souvenier table and I got a cool tank top and a keychain.
It was a while before the show started, so we went up to the balcony (the VIP area) and hung out. Ya know, maybe it sounds conceeded, but I love it when I get to go to places that other people don't at these concerts :)
We were looking for my sis inside and couldn't find her. Then we spotted Carrie in the balcony and she said that Marcie was in the dressing room and she told us to go down there. When we went down the stairs this little slip of a security guard yelled at us... so Carrie came to our rescue and lead us down to the dressing room. Sure enough, there was Marcie. I grabbed a free Coke and we all went back upstairs to look for the parents and neighbors. We ran into Don heading upstairs, so I said hello. I like him a lot, he's fun stuff. We got back upstairs and found the parents, and Dad had a work friend with him who was a fan of the band, so he introduced him to Marcie. Many of Marcie's friends were up there... some who I remember, some who I don't. Sometimes people crawl out from years ago to come, so of course I don't really remember them. Morgan and I went to stand on the other side of the balcony with my neighbors. While we were up there I kept noticing this guy staring at us from below and then talking to his girlfriend. When I turned to Morgan to tell her I then actually looked at the girlfriend and realized that it was my friend Amy from high school! So, I went down to talk to her and to meet her new boyfriend. It was really cool that they were there at the concert.
The opening band was pretty fun. They sounded very 80's like, and they did a lot of instrumental music... and the drummer used an electronic drum set.

The crowd was anxious for The Von Bondies to come onstage. When the dimmed the lights they all started cheering and then "Thriller" blasted from the sound system. That's a good way to get the crowd all riled up. They came onstage at the very end and opened with "Lack of Communication". They looked really good up there... great lighting... huge audience (probably the biggest I've seen them play to). I don't for the life of me remember the set list, but it was all good. The crowd was eating them up. After a few songs part of the crowd broke out into a mash pit. Then the crowd serfing started. Well, it gave "the force" something to do. It was amusing! These big guys (who I've obviously labeled as "the force") would grab the crowd surfers, pull them to the front, and then carry them like a baby away to the side. They were pretty brutal... but it was funny to me.. besides, the crowd surfers were stupid asses anyway.
In amoungst the cheers you would hear the occasional "We love you Carrie" and "Marcie rocks". It just was strange to realize how many of these kids may idolize or wet dream over my sis... kinda creepy, no? These little teenage boys all in love with the girls... and the girls loving Jason and Don. Funny to me... it's just weird. When they played "C'mon C'mon" they got the biggest cheer... because I'm sure some of the people there know them mostly from that song.
After they left stage people kept cheering. I was cheering too... I was trying to start waves of cheering from the balcony. It was fun.
They came back onstage and played two more songs... ending with "It Came From Japan". Morgan and I rocked out on he balcony to try and get other people below to join in. After the show it was hilarious, because these people were crowding the stage in order to try and get something. The crew was throwing out Don's drumsticks, the waterbottles they were using, their setlists... and these people went rabid for them! Dude, it's only a waterbottle or a piece of papers. I suppose having a drumstick would be cool... because at least that's an item that has a purpose. I just never imaged that they'd get superfans like that. It's pretty awesome.
Marcie came up and found us and then we went downstairs to the VIP lounge for a post concert party. We just sat around a lot. The band members were getting mobbed, and I didn't want to join in. At one point I told Jason that accordian guy says "hi", because I guess they know each other. Jason was really out of it. He said he was doped up on cold medicine. I then got Carrie to take a picture with my friend and I, because for all the years I've known them, or that they've played in our basement, or that they've slept in my apt and used my shower... I've never taken a picture nor had them sign anything. So, I wanted to take a picture with Carrie, because she's always real nice. It's funny because she explained to me that she does "cool poses" in pictures, because if she just smiles she usually ends up having really wide eyes and she thinks it looks stupid.
In the meantime, Marcie was signing things... including some guys hairy chest... and I was getting more pictures of my friends and neighbors. At one point Marcie made me dance like an ass with her friends so that she could take movies of us looking like asses. Haha. Then it was time to go... so I picked her up and gave her a hug, because she's so small. I waved to Don on the way out, because he was mobbed the whole time, so I didn't feel like joining the masses... and Morgan and I were off.

And so ends my frickin' long day.

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