2003-05-06 � 12:10 a.m.

Noooo!!!!! Looooooost!!!!!! WHY!!!!

It seems as though fate keeps kicking me in the ass this semester. First there was the loss of that money that my mom gave me, then there's all the stress, and now I've lost my precious!!!!
I had to bring a ring to school because I needed it for a scene that I am doing. Well, I only have one ring in this city, so that's the one I brought. It happened to be my favorite Celtic ring with a powder blue stone. It was soooo pretty!
Well, my dumb ass took it off to wash my hands, and seeing as how I have not been in my right mind lately I forgot to put it back on. It wasn't until a half hour later that I saw my friend (who is directing the scene) and she asked if I had brought a ring. I held out my hand and panicked.
I bolted out of the cafe and up to the bathroom I was at, and it was GONE!!!! So, I then went to every lost and found and it was not to be found anywhere!!!!

WHY DO PEOPLE SUCK!!!! How come if someone finds something they have to keep it for themselves? Doesn't anyone have the decency to turn things in anymore. Don't they realize how much the person who lost it could be hurting. I had a long stretch of hyper-ventilation crying fits after it was gone. I am still very VERY upset. I mean, every time I find something I turn it in... and in some cases I have come completely out of my way to do so. How come when I do things for other people karma has to kick me in the ass! It's like I get no thanks for what I do and when it comes time that I lose things they are not returned!!! Why do people suck so much!!!! I just wish I had my ring back... I loved that ring so much and now it's gone. And the money from January is gone... everthing is f*ckin' gone!!! Why is life so unfair like this! I can't take it... when do things start to work out for me! I know I sound selfish, but I am so upset right now that whoever found my ring couldn't find it in their heart to turn it in. Everyone is selfish! I can't take it!

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