2004-03-02 � 5:59 p.m.

I have pics from the Oscar Party I went to:

One half of the set up... dessert and popcorn table!

Other half... hot foods, a pirate, and the Godfather (just look in the very back)

Prize baskets... I won one! yay!

Me with the pirate guy

Me and other LOTR fans (some who I just met that night...)

That's all I got... was too busy watching ROTK sweep, so I didn't get many other pics :) :) :)

Well, I'm now jobless, but the good news... 1.) I can sleep in the rest of the week! 2.) My dad is letting me go to Florida with them... yay!

When I get back from Florida I'm just gonna have to really start looking for a job (when I'm not rehearsing my ass off for Threepenny).

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