2003-11-24 � 9:01 a.m.

Soooooo tired! Soooooo tired!
This weekend just about did me in. On Friday and Saturday I had to go to the performaces of thes how I choral directed... and that was wearing enough. I still got the feeling that a lot of the cast members didn't really like me. I think, though, that it's because I had more of a work ethic than a social one. They were all about being social, because it was community theatre after all... I'm just trained now to take everything seriously, so I did. Oh well, it's over now... I have my check and I can move on.
Tonight I start rehearsals for the Christmas show I am performing in. No breaks for me (until Thanksgiving... hurry up Thanksgiving!).
I'm at work right now... procrastinating. I really, really don't feel like calling anyone right now... not to mention that I'm so tired that I don't want to use my voice at all.
I really don't know why I'm so tired... I got a lot of sleep yesterday. It's probably the weather, the weather is kinda gloomey at the moment.

The good news... the ROTK soundtrack comes out tomorrow! Huzzah!

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