2004-01-30 � 1:19 p.m.

I went to a delightfully geeky convention last weekend. It was great, though, because I came home with 5 pieces of original art... almost all LOTR related.

My friend Lynx (visit her site) had art there. I won her "Shieldmaiden of Ithilien" print at the show. I've commissioned her to draw me a "Lady of Rohan" piece in the past and she just used another pic of me for her new Eowyn piece that she's working on... anyway, back to the convention...
I won her piece, and then I won a great piece of Minas Tirith and a pendant of three Arthurian woman (I'm guessing that it's Vivianne, Morgana, and well... it could be any three I guess). I then bought two different prints of Eowyn. One of her in her white dress and one of her as Dernhelm... all original, non-movie based pieces. Beautiful!
I also met people there, since I went by myself. There was this strange guy named "G" who has apparently seen my at past conventions. I think I remember him. He always tries to talk to me. But it's kinda creepy because he's a little old for me. He made me hug him goodbye, but I was pleasant about it.
I also met an artist who is working on some Arthurian pendants and he had me pose so that he could use me for his Guenevere design! Yee-haw! I also saw another artist friend who is having me model for his Shakesperian Tarot deck. I'm geeked that people actually want to use me as a model. It's flattering.

Other things I did... I went to a panel on tattoos (IVY!). It was quite interesting.
The highlight, though, was meeting Julie Bell and Boris (insert last name here, I can't remember it... he's her husband) and having them sign my book of their artwork. Waaaay cool. Well, that be all for now :)

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