2004-11-20 � 2:14 p.m.

Does anyone still read this? Anyone? *cricket* *cricket*

I post over at LJ more than anything, but I keep this journal going because I have a lot stored here and I'm too lazy to move it to one of my webservers. No time... no time.

Seriously, does anyone read this?

So, my show, She Loves Me, opened last night. We had a week of previews and last night was the big opening gala party. We had a wonderful audience. They gave us a standing ovation and we had to run back out for another bow (and some people had begun to change at that point... it was rather funny).
I'm lucky I made it through last night... I've been sick, so my voice wasn't up to par... but I managed to get everything out sounding OK. One of the theatre's employees had a friend there from NY, and he said that his friend pointed me out in the ensemble and said that I was "fabulous." So, that's really cool when someone notices you in an ensemble.

Other than the show I've been sub teaching in a long term music position, but I think they finally hired a teacher, which means I can go back to being a regular sub again... and that's happy, because I'm sick of coming up with lesson plans.
Oh yeah, in other news I actually went on a date a little over a week ago... and then we went on a second date. Holy crap! I'm still talking to him and we're gonna go out again. Could the drought be over? That'd be nice.

So, does anyone read this? If people would still like me to update here more often, I will... but otherwise you can head over to http://www.livejournal.com/users/tigerlilygamgee (though it's friends locked, so you'll have to send me a message)

You can see info about my show here: Performance Network Theatre

In other news... looks like I missed out on the secret Santa thing... blarg!

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