2004-04-09 � 4:04 p.m.

Well, I went Hot Topic serfing yesterday, and the Merry and Pippin shirt that I hear about has not made its prescence known in MI stores. *sob* The girl at the counter said that they have only gotten the brown colored one, and not the black and white one (and she was a big hobbit fan, so she'd know). So, alas...
I DID however write the marketing lady at Hot Topic and asked about merch that may or may not be coming out. She said that they still have many options for their LOTR line, and that they are going to try Frodo and Sam and "other characters"... but she didn't tell me what the others were. So, I emailed her back and made some suggestions based on what I've seen fandom wise online. I suggested an Eowyn as Dernhelm shirt, a Galadriel shirt, an Eowyn and Faramir shirt, a Rohan shirt, a Pippin in armor shirt, a Merry in armor shirt, and a Haldir shirt.
So... I think that we should write and make suggestions... if they get enough people wanting the same thing they may give it a go. Her email address is [email protected] (I find it great that the first letter of her first name combined with her last name spells Smurphy). So, do it ladies... maybe we'll get what we want! :) :) :)

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