2003-07-21 � 9:59 p.m.

Ok, so life if just weird right now... I don't know why. It just is.
This past weekend, since I have no life, I waited around my house and fell asleep in my dad's easy chair... and then my friend Jacci called (she was actually calling because I had left her a message letting her know that I had seen the creepy toe fungus commerical on tv - if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about). So, anyway... I asked what she was doing, and she was really depressed (due to life, boys, etc). She asked me to bring her Vodka and Grapefruit juice, and well, I did because I needed to hang out with someone. Let's just say that it's not the best way for two people who are depressed to hang out. We got subway, watched an informercial about a juicer, and then watched Igby Goes Down. But, nevertheless it was sorta a good time.

Sunday I did really nothing. I went to a big garage sale... Dang! Why am I so depressed lately. I almost started crying in my car the other day because I got to thinking about life too much. All I can think is, "wow, so I've graduated college and I'm right back where I started. Living with my parents, working a day job, not getting any acting work..." Shit! This really sucks.
I'm also just disappointed because now is a time that I could really use someone in my life... it's even just hard enough to hang out with my friends because they are on the same wave as me! Oh man, I now realize that I actually do miss college. I feel like the biggest loser!

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