2004-07-12 � 11:16 p.m.

Weeeee! The Gathering now has message boards! It's sad that I'm getting so excited already for something that won't happen for 2 more years. Ah well, it means that this will still be part of my life for years to come :)

I'm off on Wednesday to go to the Bristol Faire with a bunch of friends and LOTR fans. Ah, I love hanging out with friends and having hotel movie parties! I'm sad, though, because my friends from KY can't make it anymore, and my friend from Belgium had to go home early because her passport expired. Sad, sad.

So, what's up with everyone??? I have neglected this journal like mad! Working two jobs and taking a lot of time on my website (www.ladyofrohan.com) is killing me! That's why I need this vacation!
So, let me know what's happening :)

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